Stranger angels

It's hurricane season, and for now, a stream of cars continue through our tiny town looking for a place at the inn. Hurricane Irma has reared its ugly head this way and evacuees have flooded our area. My husband and I were busying ourselves in our home, getting ready to start our day. As I headed out to my car, there was a car in my yard as though someone had veered off from the road. And sitting in the middle of the yard was a man with a very young baby - 2 months old. I asked if they were ok, they said yes yes, just resting. I then asked if they needed anything and then they discussed and asked for hot water for their baby, to mix the formula. Of course, I said, I will be glad to. I went into the house, heated the water for their 2 thermoses, and prepared a bag with crackers, peanut butter, knife, apples, and some banana bread we had just prepared for a function. Four adults and an infant - from Tampa. They had slept in their car because there was no place to stay along the way. They were going to Mississippi to a motel as there were no motels in Florida, Georgia, or Alabama to stay. I asked if they needed gas or food. No no no no no.... they were fine, they were looking for a place to rest and a shady spot to get out and stretch. Because of their heavy accent, I knew they were from elsewhere and asked where their homeland was. India - the women were in their sari attire, while the men were more traditionally dressed.

We have a small space with beds.... the place needs cleaning. It's not ready for company, much less strangers. It's not ready. It's half junk room, half sort of kind of place to stay.

I look outside and they are still there - 2 1/2 hours. Ok.... hi - just checking on you all - are you ok? Yes yes yes. I said.... look.... I have a place to stay... it's not much, but you can stay. "Oh no no no, we are meeting friends, we will have to go. I asked if they were sure, yes, they were certain.  But they said, "one more thing, can we take your picture?"  I said "only if you let me do the same". So we exchanged pictures and phone numbers. I asked  - please text me when you get to your destination to know you are safe.

Just the night before, I had asked God where is my place in all of this?  Is this the only opportunity? It seems rather small in the bigger scheme of things. Traffic is jammed a block away from my home because of the evacuees. Why did they choose my yard instead of the others?

I have been given more by this one encounter than I could ever offer in return.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Right in my front yard. Angels. Baby. No room at the inn. Yeah God, I get it.  


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