
Stranger angels

It's hurricane season, and for now, a stream of cars continue through our tiny town looking for a place at the inn. Hurricane Irma has reared its ugly head this way and evacuees have flooded our area. My husband and I were busying ourselves in our home, getting ready to start our day. As I headed out to my car, there was a car in my yard as though someone had veered off from the road. And sitting in the middle of the yard was a man with a very young baby - 2 months old. I asked if they were ok, they said yes yes, just resting. I then asked if they needed anything and then they discussed and asked for hot water for their baby, to mix the formula. Of course, I said, I will be glad to. I went into the house, heated the water for their 2 thermoses, and prepared a bag with crackers, peanut butter, knife, apples, and some banana bread we had just prepared for a function. Four adults and an infant - from Tampa. They had slept in their car because there was no place to stay along the way...

The N word

I have sat on this for a while, as it really disturbed me that I experienced this in the town I live, but in light of what is happening in Charlottesville, I feel compelled. I was in a local business this summer - and as I was in the store, I heard an employee talking to a customer and used the "n" word. I asked another person that was with me - did I hear what I think I just heard? That person confirmed that what I thought I heard was correct. So..... racism is not just someplace else. It continues right here at our back door. I was appalled that I heard the word roll off the tongue as if it was part of their daily language. She used a word that is a slur and is insulting and provoking.. and racist. Today we saw where racism has manifested itself into terroristic acts. We worry about terrorism coming into America - we better look at the terrorism home grown in our country - we need to look long and hard at ourselves before we start pointing fingers at ou...

It's Quotidian - but it's my life

Start of a new blog. Having an itch to put print to a page to claim as my thoughts. May not always be mundane, and hopefully not, but I hope it will capture my thoughts and opinions at the time.